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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Apparel Pattern Digitizing: Five Digitizing Rules to Create a Perfect Digitized Pattern Piece

The process to digitize a pattern design or style into a cad system can be very time consuming and expensive due to the point by point process that needs to be follow in order to complete the digitizing process. When digitizing a complete model for a basic design for example many rules are required before the design can take a digital pattern shape.

First rule, you need to have a hard copy or tracing of your design on paper. Paper must be flat for accurate piece digitizing and when sending out your patterns to a digitizer make sure all your pattern tracing are visible and marked with hard lines.

Second rule, Information, as grain lines and description must be recorded on every piece. You must take the time to provide all these information and write it on each pattern piece, as this information will be useful for yourself for tracking purposes in the future.

Third rule, a pattern card must be provided along with fabric description. Make sure you provide a list of all the pieces for every style you make to your digitizing house as these will serve also as a record for you and your digitizer of how many pieces where digitized and save into their computer digitizing system

Fourth rule, you must make sure that your pattern or style to be digitized in a cad digitizing system is the correct model, as they will be digitized exactly as submitted. You must know what pieces make your design and do not mix pattern pieces that do not belong to that particular style, as you will be charged for any extra piece digitized. Most pattern digitizing services have a minimum of five to ten pattern pieces minimum charge and a five to ten dollar extra charge per piece after their minimum pattern pieces have been digitized depending on size and complexity of pattern piece to be digitized.

Fifth rule, once your pattern has been entered into a computer system by a digitizer or digitizing service your pattern will not be modified, corrected or change by the digitizer as this will normally be a separate service charge to you and done by a professional pattern designer.

In addition, Apparel pattern piece digitizing is a time consuming process and can be expensive depending on the size of your pattern piece and complexity of your design. You must accurately provide to your pattern digitizer with all the necessary pattern piece information for your particular style or design and your pattern can not modified at the time of the digitizing process unless they have a professional pattern designer who can assist you with any pattern alterations or corrections and of course, you are willing to pay for that extra service provided by the design house or firm.

About the Author
Occupation: Designer/ Prod. Pattern Making Consultant. Leading Technical designer, Alejandro Esparza owner of  has provided for over 22 years, Apparel pattern digitizing Services for many top companies of our time in Los Angeles CA USA

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